Legal Blog

Ways that you can prevent sexual harassment in the workplace

Going to work each day at your job in Massachusetts should be empowering and rewarding. While there are a host of factors that play into your ability to have a positive experience at work, one significant influence is the type of people you work with and around each day. At Kajko, Weisman & Colasanti, LLP, we are experienced in helping people

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Are women actually the worst workplace bullies?

When you think of Massachusetts workplace bullying, you likely think of male workers bullying their female coworkers. But is this always the case? Evidently not. recently reported that women bully other women at work. In fact, ongoing research reveals that female-on-female bullying occurs far more frequently than the male-on-female variety. Study results Studies show that female workplace bullies fall into the

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What is the proper response to a sexual harassment claim?

If you experience sexual harassment in your Massachusetts’s workplace, you should feel safe in the knowledge that your employer will deal with the issue in a swift and effective manner. Unfortunately, what should happen is not always what does happen. The Society for Human Resource Management explains how your managers, supervisors and the human resource department should respond to claims

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Gynecologic oncologists frequent victims of sexual harassment

While sexual harassment is an unfortunate and common occurrence in many Massachusetts and New Hampshire work environments, research indicates that those who work in some fields are more likely to fall victim to it than those in the general workforce. At Kajko, Wiseman & Colasanti, LLP, we know that gynecologic oncologists report especially high rates of sexual harassment, and we

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What can you do if you experience sexual harassment at work?

Massachusetts workers have the right to a workplace that is free from harassment and other types of mistreatment. When you go to work in the morning, you expect safety and fair treatment. There are both state and federal laws that protect your rights in the workplace, yet despite these protections, people still experience things like discrimination and harassment. Sexual harassment

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Be HEARD bill introduced in Congress

Residents in Massachusetts and around the country have been keenly aware of the continuing problem the nation is facing when it comes to sexual misconduct and harassment in the workplace. Despite continuing progress in some areas, women and even some men still experience discrimination or harassing behavior. The Me Too movement has brought this topic to the forefront of the national

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Reporting sexual harassment

When Massachusetts residents experience sexual harassment at work, they may sometimes think there is nothing they can do about the situation. However, there are several steps people can take to let their employers know what is going on. When people realize they are being sexually harassed, it is a good idea for them to speak to a supervisor. The U.S. Equal

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Your hard work should be enough to succeed

If you are successful in your career, you probably work every day towards making and strengthening positive, professional connections. Sexual harassment has the potential to undermine your credibility as well as directly damage your position, should you fail to comply with demands or tolerate unwanted advances. At Kajko, Weisman & Colasanti, LLP, we know how competitive the Massachusetts professional landscape is. We believe

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Why are victims of sexual harassment reluctant to come forward?

As someone who counts yourself among the many victims of workplace sexual harassment in Massachusetts who never came forward with your story, you may have clear reasons for failing to publicize what happened to you. You may, too, not fully understand what kept you from reporting the unsavory behavior, but regardless of your reasoning for not speaking out, you are

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Neither party satisfied with Mass. harassment case resolution

Two women involved in a sexual harassment case that occurred when they were employees of the Massachusetts State Police, a supervisor as the alleged harasser and a subordinate as the alleged victim, both claim that they received inadequate protection from the state and that the system is set up to protect only itself. According to the attorney representing the subordinate, the solution

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Ways that you can prevent sexual harassment in the workplace

Going to work each day at your job in Massachusetts should be empowering and rewarding. While there are a host of factors that play into your ability to have a positive experience at work, one significant influence is the type of people you work with and around each day. At Kajko, Weisman & Colasanti, LLP, we are experienced in helping people

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Are women actually the worst workplace bullies?

When you think of Massachusetts workplace bullying, you likely think of male workers bullying their female coworkers. But is this always the case? Evidently not. recently reported that women bully other women at work. In fact, ongoing research reveals that female-on-female bullying occurs far more frequently than the male-on-female variety. Study results Studies show that female workplace bullies fall into the

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What is the proper response to a sexual harassment claim?

If you experience sexual harassment in your Massachusetts’s workplace, you should feel safe in the knowledge that your employer will deal with the issue in a swift and effective manner. Unfortunately, what should happen is not always what does happen. The Society for Human Resource Management explains how your managers, supervisors and the human resource department should respond to claims

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Gynecologic oncologists frequent victims of sexual harassment

While sexual harassment is an unfortunate and common occurrence in many Massachusetts and New Hampshire work environments, research indicates that those who work in some fields are more likely to fall victim to it than those in the general workforce. At Kajko, Wiseman & Colasanti, LLP, we know that gynecologic oncologists report especially high rates of sexual harassment, and we

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What can you do if you experience sexual harassment at work?

Massachusetts workers have the right to a workplace that is free from harassment and other types of mistreatment. When you go to work in the morning, you expect safety and fair treatment. There are both state and federal laws that protect your rights in the workplace, yet despite these protections, people still experience things like discrimination and harassment. Sexual harassment

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Be HEARD bill introduced in Congress

Residents in Massachusetts and around the country have been keenly aware of the continuing problem the nation is facing when it comes to sexual misconduct and harassment in the workplace. Despite continuing progress in some areas, women and even some men still experience discrimination or harassing behavior. The Me Too movement has brought this topic to the forefront of the national

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Reporting sexual harassment

When Massachusetts residents experience sexual harassment at work, they may sometimes think there is nothing they can do about the situation. However, there are several steps people can take to let their employers know what is going on. When people realize they are being sexually harassed, it is a good idea for them to speak to a supervisor. The U.S. Equal

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Your hard work should be enough to succeed

If you are successful in your career, you probably work every day towards making and strengthening positive, professional connections. Sexual harassment has the potential to undermine your credibility as well as directly damage your position, should you fail to comply with demands or tolerate unwanted advances. At Kajko, Weisman & Colasanti, LLP, we know how competitive the Massachusetts professional landscape is. We believe

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Why are victims of sexual harassment reluctant to come forward?

As someone who counts yourself among the many victims of workplace sexual harassment in Massachusetts who never came forward with your story, you may have clear reasons for failing to publicize what happened to you. You may, too, not fully understand what kept you from reporting the unsavory behavior, but regardless of your reasoning for not speaking out, you are

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Neither party satisfied with Mass. harassment case resolution

Two women involved in a sexual harassment case that occurred when they were employees of the Massachusetts State Police, a supervisor as the alleged harasser and a subordinate as the alleged victim, both claim that they received inadequate protection from the state and that the system is set up to protect only itself. According to the attorney representing the subordinate, the solution

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