Legal Blog

Some things to know about a quid pro quo sexual harassment claim

Despite the strength of the MeToo movement, sexual harassment continues to plague workplaces across the country. As a result, innocent men and women have their jobs and, as a result, their very livelihoods put on the line. This is unacceptable, and those employers who engage in this behavior need to be held accountable. There are a number of ways to

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Legal protections for victims of sexual harassment

The legal process protects victims of sexual harassment who experience sexually harassing behavior in the workplace. Victims need to be aware of what is considered sexual harassment in the workplace. The law generally recognizes two broad categories of sexual harassment that are prohibited in the workplace. The first type of sexual harassment is referred to as quid pro quo harassment. Quid pro

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McDonald’s faces sexual harassment class action lawsuit

Workers at any workplace, from entertainment to fast food, have legal rights against sexual comments and other types of harassment. Two Florida McDonald’s employees, in one case, filed a $500 million class action lawsuit against the fast-food company. The sexual harassment charges underline the problems faced by service industry workers in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and across the country. Two women were the named plaintiffs

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Was it sexual harassment?

Every day, millions of Massachusetts residents leave the comfort of their homes to go to work. While there, numerous individuals find themselves subjected to questionable behavior from their co-workers and/or their employers. Sometimes, it is difficult to discern if that behavior is just an annoyance or of legal concern. This is particularly true in cases of suspected sexual harassment. What

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Woman claims sexual harassment complaint was ignored

A woman in another state claims that she was sexually harassed while she was working at a middle school. She says that her complaints were not taken seriously, and now she wants something done about it. It doesn’t matter if one resides in Massachusetts or elsewhere, sexual harassment claims should always be taken seriously and dealt with appropriately. According to

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How to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace

While no working environment is perfect, there are certain things Massachusetts residents should not have to deal with when either on or off the clock. Sexual harassment is one of those things. What can people do when they are dealing with this form of harassment? According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, there is a very specific way sexual harassment

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The damaging effects of sexual harassment on women

Every day, in Massachusetts and elsewhere, there are women and men who are subjected to unwanted sexual advances and inappropriate behavior by their co-workers. Sexual harassment is a very real issue, and the victims of it end up suffering in more ways than one. A recently published article directly addressed the damaging effects sexual harassment has on women, and what

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Are you the victim of sexual harassment?

All employed individuals in the state of Massachusetts should be able to go to work and not have to worry about harassment in any of its forms. Unfortunately, every year, numerous individuals — both males and females — find themselves the victims of sexual harassment. If you are among them, you may be able to do something about it. Sexual

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Faculty member fired over harassment allegations

Most people who live in Massachusetts have long been proud that their state is home to one of the nation’s most highly regarded scientific research institutions. Many students from all over the country and all over the world work tirelessly for the opportunity to learn from the experts and professionals who teach there. Scientists themselves know the regard given to

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Does sexual harassment have to be physical?

Massachusetts employees like you should feel safe and secure when you go to work. Unfortunately, some people make workplace environments feel dangerous and unsafe. Sexual harassment can be one form that these troubling actions and behaviors take. But just what is sexual harassment? Unfortunately, there is a misconception that sexual harassment must be physical in order to be legally fought

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Some things to know about a quid pro quo sexual harassment claim

Despite the strength of the MeToo movement, sexual harassment continues to plague workplaces across the country. As a result, innocent men and women have their jobs and, as a result, their very livelihoods put on the line. This is unacceptable, and those employers who engage in this behavior need to be held accountable. There are a number of ways to

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Legal protections for victims of sexual harassment

The legal process protects victims of sexual harassment who experience sexually harassing behavior in the workplace. Victims need to be aware of what is considered sexual harassment in the workplace. The law generally recognizes two broad categories of sexual harassment that are prohibited in the workplace. The first type of sexual harassment is referred to as quid pro quo harassment. Quid pro

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McDonald’s faces sexual harassment class action lawsuit

Workers at any workplace, from entertainment to fast food, have legal rights against sexual comments and other types of harassment. Two Florida McDonald’s employees, in one case, filed a $500 million class action lawsuit against the fast-food company. The sexual harassment charges underline the problems faced by service industry workers in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and across the country. Two women were the named plaintiffs

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Was it sexual harassment?

Every day, millions of Massachusetts residents leave the comfort of their homes to go to work. While there, numerous individuals find themselves subjected to questionable behavior from their co-workers and/or their employers. Sometimes, it is difficult to discern if that behavior is just an annoyance or of legal concern. This is particularly true in cases of suspected sexual harassment. What

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Woman claims sexual harassment complaint was ignored

A woman in another state claims that she was sexually harassed while she was working at a middle school. She says that her complaints were not taken seriously, and now she wants something done about it. It doesn’t matter if one resides in Massachusetts or elsewhere, sexual harassment claims should always be taken seriously and dealt with appropriately. According to

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How to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace

While no working environment is perfect, there are certain things Massachusetts residents should not have to deal with when either on or off the clock. Sexual harassment is one of those things. What can people do when they are dealing with this form of harassment? According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, there is a very specific way sexual harassment

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The damaging effects of sexual harassment on women

Every day, in Massachusetts and elsewhere, there are women and men who are subjected to unwanted sexual advances and inappropriate behavior by their co-workers. Sexual harassment is a very real issue, and the victims of it end up suffering in more ways than one. A recently published article directly addressed the damaging effects sexual harassment has on women, and what

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Are you the victim of sexual harassment?

All employed individuals in the state of Massachusetts should be able to go to work and not have to worry about harassment in any of its forms. Unfortunately, every year, numerous individuals — both males and females — find themselves the victims of sexual harassment. If you are among them, you may be able to do something about it. Sexual

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Faculty member fired over harassment allegations

Most people who live in Massachusetts have long been proud that their state is home to one of the nation’s most highly regarded scientific research institutions. Many students from all over the country and all over the world work tirelessly for the opportunity to learn from the experts and professionals who teach there. Scientists themselves know the regard given to

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Does sexual harassment have to be physical?

Massachusetts employees like you should feel safe and secure when you go to work. Unfortunately, some people make workplace environments feel dangerous and unsafe. Sexual harassment can be one form that these troubling actions and behaviors take. But just what is sexual harassment? Unfortunately, there is a misconception that sexual harassment must be physical in order to be legally fought

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