Legal Blog

Who gets the charities in the divorce?

If you and your spouse have made it a point to share your wealth with causes and organizations as a couple, you may need to untangle some of your charitable commitments as you divorce. If you’ve simply written sizeable checks or purchased needed materials, you can still do those things individually. However, if you’ve created one or more charitable entities

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3 reasons therapy may not save your marriage

Marital therapy can help couples get over some rough spots – but it’s not a cure-all. There are many causes for a marriage to start crumbling. Therapy is a good start, but it won’t overcome every problem If you are seeking marriage therapy then you should know the risks to ensure that you don’t drag out a failed marriage. Here’s

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PTSD after a divorce exists

One of the plus sides of getting a divorce is knowing you’ll be free to be yourself again. This may wash over you with a wave of relief, especially when leaving an abusive relationship. You may not realize, however, that abusive relationships tend to have lasting psychological effects. You may be thinking, “How might I be affected by an abusive

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Divorcing parents need to consider the effect on taxes

Getting a satisfactory financial outcome in a divorce is about much more than pitting your wants and needs against your spouse’s. If you are a parent, there are specific tax-related issues you need to consider. Understanding them can benefit you and your children rather than the IRS. How you split payments between child support and alimony matters The person paying child support

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Will divorce affect your small business?

When you plan your wedding, the future looks rosy. Together, you anticipate a life full of love and happiness. No one is thinking about divorce or what it could mean for your small business – but they should be. If you are a small business owner you may be concerned about the future of your business. Should your marriage end

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How will divorce impact your finances?

A person’s standard of living is the lifestyle they’re accustomed to living. Someone who has a net worth of over $1 million will have a much different standard of living than a person who has an annual income of $12,000. While most people don’t think much about their standard of living, someone who’s going through a divorce might quickly realize

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Money matters in both marriage and divorce

Many people set a new year’s resolution to control their finances better. Planning to spend less and save more is commendable. Yet, if you are married, your finances are not entirely under your control, and if your spouse has no such desire, then your best efforts could go to waste. Different attitudes to money are one of the primary reasons

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What makes high net worth divorces complex?

Division of property is usually one of the most contentious issues during the divorce process. Division of property becomes even more contentious and conflict-riddled when it involves a substantial estate that may include real estate holding, complex trusts, retirement accounts and foreign assets. These are known as high net worth divorces. Most high net worth divorces are usually complex due

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3 benefits of drafting a postnuptial agreement with your spouse

Marital agreements are documents that spouses or engaged couples execute to protect themselves and guide their relationships. Most people know about prenuptial agreements, but fewer people are familiar with postnuptial agreements. These documents largely perform the same functions as prenuptial agreements, with the primary difference being when the couple executes the document. There are many benefits to executing a postnuptial agreement,

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Financial stress causes divorce at any tax bracket

You have likely heard that one of the top reasons for divorce is financial stress. When most people hear this, they think of a young married couple that can’t pay their bills, perhaps because one person can’t hold down a job. It’s natural, they think, that this type of financial stress would lead to a split. This certainly does happen,

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Who gets the charities in the divorce?

If you and your spouse have made it a point to share your wealth with causes and organizations as a couple, you may need to untangle some of your charitable commitments as you divorce. If you’ve simply written sizeable checks or purchased needed materials, you can still do those things individually. However, if you’ve created one or more charitable entities

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3 reasons therapy may not save your marriage

Marital therapy can help couples get over some rough spots – but it’s not a cure-all. There are many causes for a marriage to start crumbling. Therapy is a good start, but it won’t overcome every problem If you are seeking marriage therapy then you should know the risks to ensure that you don’t drag out a failed marriage. Here’s

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PTSD after a divorce exists

One of the plus sides of getting a divorce is knowing you’ll be free to be yourself again. This may wash over you with a wave of relief, especially when leaving an abusive relationship. You may not realize, however, that abusive relationships tend to have lasting psychological effects. You may be thinking, “How might I be affected by an abusive

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Divorcing parents need to consider the effect on taxes

Getting a satisfactory financial outcome in a divorce is about much more than pitting your wants and needs against your spouse’s. If you are a parent, there are specific tax-related issues you need to consider. Understanding them can benefit you and your children rather than the IRS. How you split payments between child support and alimony matters The person paying child support

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Will divorce affect your small business?

When you plan your wedding, the future looks rosy. Together, you anticipate a life full of love and happiness. No one is thinking about divorce or what it could mean for your small business – but they should be. If you are a small business owner you may be concerned about the future of your business. Should your marriage end

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How will divorce impact your finances?

A person’s standard of living is the lifestyle they’re accustomed to living. Someone who has a net worth of over $1 million will have a much different standard of living than a person who has an annual income of $12,000. While most people don’t think much about their standard of living, someone who’s going through a divorce might quickly realize

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Money matters in both marriage and divorce

Many people set a new year’s resolution to control their finances better. Planning to spend less and save more is commendable. Yet, if you are married, your finances are not entirely under your control, and if your spouse has no such desire, then your best efforts could go to waste. Different attitudes to money are one of the primary reasons

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What makes high net worth divorces complex?

Division of property is usually one of the most contentious issues during the divorce process. Division of property becomes even more contentious and conflict-riddled when it involves a substantial estate that may include real estate holding, complex trusts, retirement accounts and foreign assets. These are known as high net worth divorces. Most high net worth divorces are usually complex due

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3 benefits of drafting a postnuptial agreement with your spouse

Marital agreements are documents that spouses or engaged couples execute to protect themselves and guide their relationships. Most people know about prenuptial agreements, but fewer people are familiar with postnuptial agreements. These documents largely perform the same functions as prenuptial agreements, with the primary difference being when the couple executes the document. There are many benefits to executing a postnuptial agreement,

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Financial stress causes divorce at any tax bracket

You have likely heard that one of the top reasons for divorce is financial stress. When most people hear this, they think of a young married couple that can’t pay their bills, perhaps because one person can’t hold down a job. It’s natural, they think, that this type of financial stress would lead to a split. This certainly does happen,

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