Legal Blog

Money matters in both marriage and divorce

Many people set a new year’s resolution to control their finances better. Planning to spend less and save more is commendable. Yet, if you are married, your finances are not entirely under your control, and if your spouse has no such desire, then your best efforts could go to waste. Different attitudes to money are one of the primary reasons

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Sexual harassment can often be subtle

Employers have a duty to ensure that their workplace is free from hostility and harassment. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to implement this in practice. For various reasons, hostility and harassment can go unnoticed for extended periods of time. Not only does a hostile working environment impact the well-being of employees, but it can also potentially decrease the overall

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What if a tenant won’t move out when the lease is up?

As a landlord, you tend to offer all of your renters a one-year lease. When that lease is up, they either have to find somewhere new to live, or they need to sign a lease again for the following year. What if you have a tenant who doesn’t want to leave but refuses to sign another lease? Or what if

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Common mistakes to avoid when you are sexually harassed at work

Sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal. Unfortunately, this vice remains quite rampant. Sexual harassment demoralizes the victim, affects productivity and results in high turnover. As a result, the organization loses both talent and profits. If you are a victim of sexual harassment at the workplace, you may feel angry, hurt, confused and overwhelmed. It is easy to make mistakes

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Customers are a source of service industry sexual harassment

Workers often understand that inappropriate conduct by their manager or other team members is illegal sexual harassment. They know that they can report these issues to a supervisor or human resources and expect their employer to protect them. However, many employees fail to understand that the same sorts of rules apply to customers as to co-workers. It is not fair

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Don’t make this mistake after a car crash

The emotional and physical effects of a serious car crash can make it difficult to think about anything except getting medical care as soon as possible. While it’s normal to be shaken up, you need to think carefully about what you say and do at the scene of the crash. One of the first things that you need to do

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What makes high net worth divorces complex?

Division of property is usually one of the most contentious issues during the divorce process. Division of property becomes even more contentious and conflict-riddled when it involves a substantial estate that may include real estate holding, complex trusts, retirement accounts and foreign assets. These are known as high net worth divorces. Most high net worth divorces are usually complex due

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Your injury claim could include future earnings

When you get injured in a car accident, you know that you need to seek compensation for your medical bills. Say you suffered a head injury and you’re looking at over $100,000 in medical bills. You didn’t cause the crash, so you need those bills covered by the person who did. You also know that you can seek compensation for

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Why do you need a succession plan for your company?

They say you are only as good as your last performance. When you run a business, that means that however great your reputation is now, it would not take much to lose it. All businesses need a succession plan regardless of size. You need to plan for the fact that you will not always be here. You might intend to retire from

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3 benefits of drafting a postnuptial agreement with your spouse

Marital agreements are documents that spouses or engaged couples execute to protect themselves and guide their relationships. Most people know about prenuptial agreements, but fewer people are familiar with postnuptial agreements. These documents largely perform the same functions as prenuptial agreements, with the primary difference being when the couple executes the document. There are many benefits to executing a postnuptial agreement,

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Money matters in both marriage and divorce

Many people set a new year’s resolution to control their finances better. Planning to spend less and save more is commendable. Yet, if you are married, your finances are not entirely under your control, and if your spouse has no such desire, then your best efforts could go to waste. Different attitudes to money are one of the primary reasons

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Sexual harassment can often be subtle

Employers have a duty to ensure that their workplace is free from hostility and harassment. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to implement this in practice. For various reasons, hostility and harassment can go unnoticed for extended periods of time. Not only does a hostile working environment impact the well-being of employees, but it can also potentially decrease the overall

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What if a tenant won’t move out when the lease is up?

As a landlord, you tend to offer all of your renters a one-year lease. When that lease is up, they either have to find somewhere new to live, or they need to sign a lease again for the following year. What if you have a tenant who doesn’t want to leave but refuses to sign another lease? Or what if

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Common mistakes to avoid when you are sexually harassed at work

Sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal. Unfortunately, this vice remains quite rampant. Sexual harassment demoralizes the victim, affects productivity and results in high turnover. As a result, the organization loses both talent and profits. If you are a victim of sexual harassment at the workplace, you may feel angry, hurt, confused and overwhelmed. It is easy to make mistakes

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Customers are a source of service industry sexual harassment

Workers often understand that inappropriate conduct by their manager or other team members is illegal sexual harassment. They know that they can report these issues to a supervisor or human resources and expect their employer to protect them. However, many employees fail to understand that the same sorts of rules apply to customers as to co-workers. It is not fair

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Don’t make this mistake after a car crash

The emotional and physical effects of a serious car crash can make it difficult to think about anything except getting medical care as soon as possible. While it’s normal to be shaken up, you need to think carefully about what you say and do at the scene of the crash. One of the first things that you need to do

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What makes high net worth divorces complex?

Division of property is usually one of the most contentious issues during the divorce process. Division of property becomes even more contentious and conflict-riddled when it involves a substantial estate that may include real estate holding, complex trusts, retirement accounts and foreign assets. These are known as high net worth divorces. Most high net worth divorces are usually complex due

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Your injury claim could include future earnings

When you get injured in a car accident, you know that you need to seek compensation for your medical bills. Say you suffered a head injury and you’re looking at over $100,000 in medical bills. You didn’t cause the crash, so you need those bills covered by the person who did. You also know that you can seek compensation for

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Why do you need a succession plan for your company?

They say you are only as good as your last performance. When you run a business, that means that however great your reputation is now, it would not take much to lose it. All businesses need a succession plan regardless of size. You need to plan for the fact that you will not always be here. You might intend to retire from

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3 benefits of drafting a postnuptial agreement with your spouse

Marital agreements are documents that spouses or engaged couples execute to protect themselves and guide their relationships. Most people know about prenuptial agreements, but fewer people are familiar with postnuptial agreements. These documents largely perform the same functions as prenuptial agreements, with the primary difference being when the couple executes the document. There are many benefits to executing a postnuptial agreement,

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