Legal Blog

How will divorce impact your finances?

A person’s standard of living is the lifestyle they’re accustomed to living. Someone who has a net worth of over $1 million will have a much different standard of living than a person who has an annual income of $12,000. While most people don’t think much about their standard of living, someone who’s going through a divorce might quickly realize

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Can your boss fire you if you refuse to go on a date with them?

Flirting happens in many workplaces, and every worker will handle the situation differently. Some people find it flattering, but others may find it stressful. It can be uncomfortable to realize that someone with supervisory authority over you feels attracted toward you. Unfortunately, some employees find themselves in an awkward position when a manager or supervisor asks them out on a

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What to do when a customer says, “I’ll sue!”

If you stay in business long enough, you’re definitely going to realize that you can’t please everybody. Disputes are bound to happen. Most of the conflicts you have with your customers or clients will probably be resolved pretty quickly. What happens, however, when someone angrily announces that they’re going to sue? Don’t panic. You may still be able to diffuse

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How do you pick the right successor for your company?

Whether you inherited, purchased or started your company, you may derive personal pride and a sense of satisfaction from the company’s success. You likely also feel a sense of responsibility to the employees who have committed their professional futures to your business. If you want your business to continue even after you retire both to support those loyal workers and

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What is a plaintiff’s duty to mitigate?

When someone has suffered a loss due to another party’s actions, it’s only fair to expect the responsible party to pay the damages. It’s not fair, however, to ask someone to pay unreasonable damages. That’s where the plaintiff’s duty to mitigate their losses (or the “doctrine of avoidable consequences”) comes into play. If a plaintiff could have easily minimized their actual losses

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Is there a difference between sexual and general harassment?

When you think about harassment in the workplace, does your mind immediately jump to sexual harassment? For many people, that is the reality, because sexual harassment is such a serious problem. Sexual and nonsexual harassment, or general harassment, are different. They are both just as serious, though, since both create a negative work atmosphere and may cause stress, anxiety or

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Money matters in both marriage and divorce

Many people set a new year’s resolution to control their finances better. Planning to spend less and save more is commendable. Yet, if you are married, your finances are not entirely under your control, and if your spouse has no such desire, then your best efforts could go to waste. Different attitudes to money are one of the primary reasons

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Sexual harassment can often be subtle

Employers have a duty to ensure that their workplace is free from hostility and harassment. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to implement this in practice. For various reasons, hostility and harassment can go unnoticed for extended periods of time. Not only does a hostile working environment impact the well-being of employees, but it can also potentially decrease the overall

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What if a tenant won’t move out when the lease is up?

As a landlord, you tend to offer all of your renters a one-year lease. When that lease is up, they either have to find somewhere new to live, or they need to sign a lease again for the following year. What if you have a tenant who doesn’t want to leave but refuses to sign another lease? Or what if

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Common mistakes to avoid when you are sexually harassed at work

Sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal. Unfortunately, this vice remains quite rampant. Sexual harassment demoralizes the victim, affects productivity and results in high turnover. As a result, the organization loses both talent and profits. If you are a victim of sexual harassment at the workplace, you may feel angry, hurt, confused and overwhelmed. It is easy to make mistakes

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How will divorce impact your finances?

A person’s standard of living is the lifestyle they’re accustomed to living. Someone who has a net worth of over $1 million will have a much different standard of living than a person who has an annual income of $12,000. While most people don’t think much about their standard of living, someone who’s going through a divorce might quickly realize

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Can your boss fire you if you refuse to go on a date with them?

Flirting happens in many workplaces, and every worker will handle the situation differently. Some people find it flattering, but others may find it stressful. It can be uncomfortable to realize that someone with supervisory authority over you feels attracted toward you. Unfortunately, some employees find themselves in an awkward position when a manager or supervisor asks them out on a

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What to do when a customer says, “I’ll sue!”

If you stay in business long enough, you’re definitely going to realize that you can’t please everybody. Disputes are bound to happen. Most of the conflicts you have with your customers or clients will probably be resolved pretty quickly. What happens, however, when someone angrily announces that they’re going to sue? Don’t panic. You may still be able to diffuse

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How do you pick the right successor for your company?

Whether you inherited, purchased or started your company, you may derive personal pride and a sense of satisfaction from the company’s success. You likely also feel a sense of responsibility to the employees who have committed their professional futures to your business. If you want your business to continue even after you retire both to support those loyal workers and

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What is a plaintiff’s duty to mitigate?

When someone has suffered a loss due to another party’s actions, it’s only fair to expect the responsible party to pay the damages. It’s not fair, however, to ask someone to pay unreasonable damages. That’s where the plaintiff’s duty to mitigate their losses (or the “doctrine of avoidable consequences”) comes into play. If a plaintiff could have easily minimized their actual losses

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Is there a difference between sexual and general harassment?

When you think about harassment in the workplace, does your mind immediately jump to sexual harassment? For many people, that is the reality, because sexual harassment is such a serious problem. Sexual and nonsexual harassment, or general harassment, are different. They are both just as serious, though, since both create a negative work atmosphere and may cause stress, anxiety or

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Money matters in both marriage and divorce

Many people set a new year’s resolution to control their finances better. Planning to spend less and save more is commendable. Yet, if you are married, your finances are not entirely under your control, and if your spouse has no such desire, then your best efforts could go to waste. Different attitudes to money are one of the primary reasons

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Sexual harassment can often be subtle

Employers have a duty to ensure that their workplace is free from hostility and harassment. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to implement this in practice. For various reasons, hostility and harassment can go unnoticed for extended periods of time. Not only does a hostile working environment impact the well-being of employees, but it can also potentially decrease the overall

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What if a tenant won’t move out when the lease is up?

As a landlord, you tend to offer all of your renters a one-year lease. When that lease is up, they either have to find somewhere new to live, or they need to sign a lease again for the following year. What if you have a tenant who doesn’t want to leave but refuses to sign another lease? Or what if

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Common mistakes to avoid when you are sexually harassed at work

Sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal. Unfortunately, this vice remains quite rampant. Sexual harassment demoralizes the victim, affects productivity and results in high turnover. As a result, the organization loses both talent and profits. If you are a victim of sexual harassment at the workplace, you may feel angry, hurt, confused and overwhelmed. It is easy to make mistakes

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