Legal Blog

Best for the business vs. best for the family

When you’re doing your estate planning or business succession planning and trying to figure out what happens to the family business, you may want to leave the business to your children. If you have multiple children, your plan may be to split it up and give an equal portion to each one of them. Three children would split that business

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Who will take control of your business when you retire?

Unfortunately, business succession is not a top concern for many business owners in Northeastern America. Owning a business is like raising a child—you never expect that your work will one day come to an end. Most people cannot work forever, even when that is their wish. Sooner or later, you must consider having someone take the reins when you decide

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Should your insurance cover your business closure?

As the owner of a small business or franchise, you likely invested in multiple kinds of insurance before you ever began operating the company. You may have a general liability policy, a premises liability policy and a business interruption insurance policy. When something predictable happens, you can then turn to that insurance to protect the company itself and the investment

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Ways to protect your inheritance in a divorce

If you’ve received a substantial inheritance from your parents, you may be worried that you’re going to lose some of that money if you ever get divorced. You certainly know that your parents did not want it to go to your ex, but wanted it to stay with you, so how do you ensure that that happens? The good news

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Will divorce affect your small business?

When you plan your wedding, the future looks rosy. Together, you anticipate a life full of love and happiness. No one is thinking about divorce or what it could mean for your small business – but they should be. If you are a small business owner you may be concerned about the future of your business. Should your marriage end

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Sexual harassment: Men could be at risk as well

Whether you’re a man or woman, you are at risk of becoming a victim of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is illegal across the United States, and both New Hampshire and Massachusetts have specific laws prohibiting it in the workplace. Sexual harassment, which includes requests for sexual favors, sexual advances, and physical or verbal sexual conduct, are not legal. What’s interesting

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When does a delayed claim payment become bad faith insurance?

Insurance is a crucial stopgap between people who get hurt unexpectedly and financial devastation. It helps pay medical expenses and cover lost wages. It can repair your vehicle or even your house, depending on the situation and what lead to your injury. Although the insurance company approved your claim, they haven’t paid you yet. They are uncommunicative and will not

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Is your boss’s flirting quid pro quo sexual harassment?

When your boss hits on you, it may make you uncomfortable. Constant unwanted flirting often leads to claims of a hostile work environment. When coworkers are the ones flirting, someone can feel unsafe or stressed out while at work. Flirting by someone in the position of authority can sometimes constitute quid pro quo sexual harassment because the victim may feel

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What if your child doesn’t want the family business?

Ever since you started your own business, you hoped it would be a business that stayed in the family. You imagined leaving it to your children or having them come work with you. You thought they could take over and run the business when you were done. However, you are now in your late sixties and you’re thinking about retiring.

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Steps to take after receiving a reservation of rights letter

The resolution process after an insurance company receives a plaintiff’s claim for damages can take a few different directions. The simplest path is a settlement, wherein the insurance company issues a check to their client or the plaintiff that covers their damages. The second, more protracted path, is litigation, meaning that the claim will up be decided in court or

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Best for the business vs. best for the family

When you’re doing your estate planning or business succession planning and trying to figure out what happens to the family business, you may want to leave the business to your children. If you have multiple children, your plan may be to split it up and give an equal portion to each one of them. Three children would split that business

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Who will take control of your business when you retire?

Unfortunately, business succession is not a top concern for many business owners in Northeastern America. Owning a business is like raising a child—you never expect that your work will one day come to an end. Most people cannot work forever, even when that is their wish. Sooner or later, you must consider having someone take the reins when you decide

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Should your insurance cover your business closure?

As the owner of a small business or franchise, you likely invested in multiple kinds of insurance before you ever began operating the company. You may have a general liability policy, a premises liability policy and a business interruption insurance policy. When something predictable happens, you can then turn to that insurance to protect the company itself and the investment

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Ways to protect your inheritance in a divorce

If you’ve received a substantial inheritance from your parents, you may be worried that you’re going to lose some of that money if you ever get divorced. You certainly know that your parents did not want it to go to your ex, but wanted it to stay with you, so how do you ensure that that happens? The good news

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Will divorce affect your small business?

When you plan your wedding, the future looks rosy. Together, you anticipate a life full of love and happiness. No one is thinking about divorce or what it could mean for your small business – but they should be. If you are a small business owner you may be concerned about the future of your business. Should your marriage end

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Sexual harassment: Men could be at risk as well

Whether you’re a man or woman, you are at risk of becoming a victim of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is illegal across the United States, and both New Hampshire and Massachusetts have specific laws prohibiting it in the workplace. Sexual harassment, which includes requests for sexual favors, sexual advances, and physical or verbal sexual conduct, are not legal. What’s interesting

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When does a delayed claim payment become bad faith insurance?

Insurance is a crucial stopgap between people who get hurt unexpectedly and financial devastation. It helps pay medical expenses and cover lost wages. It can repair your vehicle or even your house, depending on the situation and what lead to your injury. Although the insurance company approved your claim, they haven’t paid you yet. They are uncommunicative and will not

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Is your boss’s flirting quid pro quo sexual harassment?

When your boss hits on you, it may make you uncomfortable. Constant unwanted flirting often leads to claims of a hostile work environment. When coworkers are the ones flirting, someone can feel unsafe or stressed out while at work. Flirting by someone in the position of authority can sometimes constitute quid pro quo sexual harassment because the victim may feel

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What if your child doesn’t want the family business?

Ever since you started your own business, you hoped it would be a business that stayed in the family. You imagined leaving it to your children or having them come work with you. You thought they could take over and run the business when you were done. However, you are now in your late sixties and you’re thinking about retiring.

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Steps to take after receiving a reservation of rights letter

The resolution process after an insurance company receives a plaintiff’s claim for damages can take a few different directions. The simplest path is a settlement, wherein the insurance company issues a check to their client or the plaintiff that covers their damages. The second, more protracted path, is litigation, meaning that the claim will up be decided in court or

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