Legal Blog

Is it sexual harassment if the abuser is the same sex as you?

The term sexual harassment applies to many situations, but the wording confuses some people. There are those who assume their case did not actually sexual harassment because the person intimidating or mistreating them is the same sex or gender as they are. Despite the common assumption that people must be of different sexes for sexual harassment to occur, the reality

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Safety tips if you see a dangerous dog

There are times when you’re out for a walk with your own dog or maybe going for a jog to get some exercise at the end of the day when you see a dog that looks aggressive. You instantly know that it’s dangerous. Maybe you can see that it’s not on a leash or that it’s coming toward you. In

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How many family businesses are successfully passed down?

With many family businesses, from small local stores to multimillion-dollar corporations, the goal is for the parents to pass the business on to their children. They want their family to run their own business after they have passed away, and it’s a major inheritance that they’re giving to ensure their children have an excellent standard of living moving forward. But

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3 reasons therapy may not save your marriage

Marital therapy can help couples get over some rough spots – but it’s not a cure-all. There are many causes for a marriage to start crumbling. Therapy is a good start, but it won’t overcome every problem If you are seeking marriage therapy then you should know the risks to ensure that you don’t drag out a failed marriage. Here’s

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PTSD after a divorce exists

One of the plus sides of getting a divorce is knowing you’ll be free to be yourself again. This may wash over you with a wave of relief, especially when leaving an abusive relationship. You may not realize, however, that abusive relationships tend to have lasting psychological effects. You may be thinking, “How might I be affected by an abusive

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Workplace sexual harassment can occur online

You work in an office space, so you only have a few brief interactions with colleagues each day. Like so many today, much of your conversations are carried out online via email or other messaging apps. Generally, work-related conversations are professional and to the point. However, lately, you’ve started to receive messages from a co-worker that make you feel uncomfortable.

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Sexual harassment often isn’t about sex

If someone tells you that they’ve been facing sexual harassment at work, it’s natural for you to assume that this treatment is based on some sort of perceived romantic relationship from the other person. They may not want an actual relationship, of course, but they’re attracted to their co-worker. It could be a supervisor who wants to start a physical

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Can sexist comments be considered workplace harassment?

Oftentimes, when we hear about sexual harassment, we envision an older male supervisor inappropriately touching, propositioning or making lewd comments about a female colleague. While it’s true that each of those scenarios constitutes sexual harassment, it by no means encompasses all of the possible offenses. In fact, harassment doesn’t even need to occur between members of the opposite sex to

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Divorce affects teens differently than younger children

Parents who divorce when their children are in their teens sometimes think it will be easier on them than if they were still young children. They likely have friends with divorced parents. They’re old enough to understand the reasons why marriages break up. It’s crucial, however, not to underestimate the impact of your divorce on them. In addition to it

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Divorcing parents need to consider the effect on taxes

Getting a satisfactory financial outcome in a divorce is about much more than pitting your wants and needs against your spouse’s. If you are a parent, there are specific tax-related issues you need to consider. Understanding them can benefit you and your children rather than the IRS. How you split payments between child support and alimony matters The person paying child support

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Is it sexual harassment if the abuser is the same sex as you?

The term sexual harassment applies to many situations, but the wording confuses some people. There are those who assume their case did not actually sexual harassment because the person intimidating or mistreating them is the same sex or gender as they are. Despite the common assumption that people must be of different sexes for sexual harassment to occur, the reality

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Safety tips if you see a dangerous dog

There are times when you’re out for a walk with your own dog or maybe going for a jog to get some exercise at the end of the day when you see a dog that looks aggressive. You instantly know that it’s dangerous. Maybe you can see that it’s not on a leash or that it’s coming toward you. In

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How many family businesses are successfully passed down?

With many family businesses, from small local stores to multimillion-dollar corporations, the goal is for the parents to pass the business on to their children. They want their family to run their own business after they have passed away, and it’s a major inheritance that they’re giving to ensure their children have an excellent standard of living moving forward. But

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3 reasons therapy may not save your marriage

Marital therapy can help couples get over some rough spots – but it’s not a cure-all. There are many causes for a marriage to start crumbling. Therapy is a good start, but it won’t overcome every problem If you are seeking marriage therapy then you should know the risks to ensure that you don’t drag out a failed marriage. Here’s

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PTSD after a divorce exists

One of the plus sides of getting a divorce is knowing you’ll be free to be yourself again. This may wash over you with a wave of relief, especially when leaving an abusive relationship. You may not realize, however, that abusive relationships tend to have lasting psychological effects. You may be thinking, “How might I be affected by an abusive

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Workplace sexual harassment can occur online

You work in an office space, so you only have a few brief interactions with colleagues each day. Like so many today, much of your conversations are carried out online via email or other messaging apps. Generally, work-related conversations are professional and to the point. However, lately, you’ve started to receive messages from a co-worker that make you feel uncomfortable.

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Sexual harassment often isn’t about sex

If someone tells you that they’ve been facing sexual harassment at work, it’s natural for you to assume that this treatment is based on some sort of perceived romantic relationship from the other person. They may not want an actual relationship, of course, but they’re attracted to their co-worker. It could be a supervisor who wants to start a physical

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Can sexist comments be considered workplace harassment?

Oftentimes, when we hear about sexual harassment, we envision an older male supervisor inappropriately touching, propositioning or making lewd comments about a female colleague. While it’s true that each of those scenarios constitutes sexual harassment, it by no means encompasses all of the possible offenses. In fact, harassment doesn’t even need to occur between members of the opposite sex to

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Divorce affects teens differently than younger children

Parents who divorce when their children are in their teens sometimes think it will be easier on them than if they were still young children. They likely have friends with divorced parents. They’re old enough to understand the reasons why marriages break up. It’s crucial, however, not to underestimate the impact of your divorce on them. In addition to it

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Divorcing parents need to consider the effect on taxes

Getting a satisfactory financial outcome in a divorce is about much more than pitting your wants and needs against your spouse’s. If you are a parent, there are specific tax-related issues you need to consider. Understanding them can benefit you and your children rather than the IRS. How you split payments between child support and alimony matters The person paying child support

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